Since 1908, God has been serving His people in and around Gwinner, North Dakota through the Word and Sacrament ministry of Zion Lutheran Church, connecting people with His Church, His Word, and His Son.
Zion Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and a member of the North Dakota District of the LC-MS.
If you’re looking for a church home, please come and visit us for our Sunday morning service or for any of our study opportunities. Feel free to contact us with any questions or special concerns. If you would like to know more about the congregation and about what we believe and teach, you will find those answers here. God has some things He would like you to hear and know, and it would be our pleasure to proclaim His Word to you.
Please come and join us, to worship our Lord and receive the gifts of eternal life and salvation that He desires to bestow on His people.
Sunday at 10am
Holy Communion is served every week

Adult Study
9am Wednesday and Sunday
Youth Study
3:45pm Wednesday and 9am Sunday
Midweek Lenten Schedule
Lenten Meal: 5:30 pm
Private Confession/Absolution: 6:00 pm
Worship Service: 6:30 pm